Chiisana Koi no Monogatari: Chichi to Sally Hatsukoi no Shiki

Watch or stream Chiisana Koi no Monogatari: Chichi to Sally Hatsukoi no Shiki anime here.

  • Title: Chiisana Koi no Monogatari: Chichi to Sally Hatsukoi no Shiki
  • English Name: UNKNOWN
  • Other Name: 小さな恋のものがたり チッチとサリー初恋の四季
  • Genre: Romance, Slice of Life
  • Type: Special
  • Episodes: 1
  • Aired: 20-Mar-84
  • Premiered: UNKNOWN
  • Producer: TBS
  • Licensors: UNKNOWN
  • Studio: UNKNOWN
  • Duration: 1 hr 10 min
  • Rating: G – All Ages


Tiny schoolgirl Chiiko develops a crush on older boy Sally and believes herself to be his girlfriend, although Sally is already involved in a love triangle with a girl called Tonko.

(Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)

Where to Watch

Chiisana Koi no Monogatari: Chichi to Sally Hatsukoi no Shiki: Watch Here



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