Cotton Candy Ei-Ei-Oh!

Watch or stream Cotton Candy Ei-Ei-Oh! anime here.

  • Title: Cotton Candy Ei-Ei-Oh!
  • English Name: UNKNOWN
  • Other Name: コットンキャンディえいえいおー!
  • Genre: UNKNOWN
  • Type: Music
  • Episodes: 1
  • Aired: 21-Sep-20
  • Premiered: UNKNOWN
  • Producer: UNKNOWN
  • Licensors: UNKNOWN
  • Studio: UNKNOWN
  • Duration: 4 min
  • Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older


Music video released on the Love Live! official YouTube channel for the song Cotton Candy Ei-Ei-Oh! that was featured on Ruby Kurosawa’s first solo album “RED GEM WINK.” The video was animated by Onkun Suko.

Where to Watch

Cotton Candy Ei-Ei-Oh!: Watch Here



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