Don’t Cry

Watch or stream Don’t Cry anime here.

  • Title: Don’t Cry
  • English Name: Don’t cry
  • Other Name: Don’t cry
  • Genre: Slice of Life
  • Type: Music
  • Episodes: 1
  • Aired: Jun-17
  • Premiered: UNKNOWN
  • Producer: Anime Beans
  • Licensors: UNKNOWN
  • Studio: UNKNOWN
  • Duration: 5 min
  • Rating: G – All Ages


Official music video for Nakatsuka Shion’s song Don’t Cry. It was from her first mini-album “Koukai” and was used in the OP for T-sensei. The music video features the full song as well as clips from the anime including original footage that was not present before.

Where to Watch

Don’t Cry: Watch Here



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