Watch or stream Gosick: Utsukushiki Kaibutsu wa Konton no Sen wo Shimiru anime here.
- Title: Gosick: Utsukushiki Kaibutsu wa Konton no Sen wo Shimiru
- English Name: UNKNOWN
- Other Name: 春来たるGOSICKスペシャル-美しき怪物は混沌の先を視みる-
- Genre: Mystery
- Type: Special
- Episodes: 1
- Aired: 26-Mar-11
- Premiered: UNKNOWN
- Producer: UNKNOWN
- Licensors: UNKNOWN
- Studio: Bones
- Duration: 13 min
- Rating: R – 17+ (violence & profanity)
Recap episode. The first part of the episode consists of the recap, the second part consists of some interviews with the cast.
Where to Watch
Gosick: Utsukushiki Kaibutsu wa Konton no Sen wo Shimiru: Watch Here