Watch or stream Kamiusagi Rope anime here.
- Title: Kamiusagi Rope
- English Name: Paper Rabbit Rope
- Other Name: 紙兎ロペ
- Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
- Type: Movie
- Episodes: 14.0
- Aired: Jun 2009 to Dec 2010
- Premiered: UNKNOWN
- Producer: UNKNOWN
- Licensors: UNKNOWN
- Studio: UNKNOWN
- Duration: 2 min per ep
- Rating: G – All Ages
The first series from the GiftMovie Project, which was aired in between theater commercials at all 57 TOHO Cinemas theaters. It features a rabbit called Rope and his senpai squirrel Akira, and their long, disrupted way to the movie theater.
Where to Watch
Kamiusagi Rope: