Watch or stream Mukidona Sen-tachi anime here.
- Title: Mukidona Sen-tachi
- English Name: Trackless Lines
- Other Name: 無軌道な線たち
- Genre: Avant Garde
- Type: Movie
- Episodes: 1
- Aired: 2019
- Premiered: UNKNOWN
- Producer: UNKNOWN
- Licensors: UNKNOWN
- Studio: UNKNOWN
- Duration: 12 min
- Rating: G – All Ages
Lines drawn with a pencil on paper begin to wriggle of their own volition. Then, regardless of the filmmaker’s intention, they begin to move inexorably towards a new horizon. The film consists of seven chapters: generation, accumulation, silence, revival, transformation, amplification and diffusion.
Where to Watch
Mukidona Sen-tachi: Watch Here