Watch or stream Ranpou anime here.
- Title: Ranpou
- English Name: UNKNOWN
- Other Name: らんぽう
- Genre: Comedy
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 21.0
- Aired: Apr 5, 1984 to Sep 20, 1984
- Premiered: spring 1984
- Producer: Nihon Ad Systems, Fuji TV
- Licensors: UNKNOWN
- Studio: Tsuchida Productions
- Duration: 25 min per ep
- Rating: R+ – Mild Nudity
TV anime adaptation of Masatoshi Uchizaki’s gag comedy manga “Ranpou”.
Mild-mannered Japanese kid Rampou is kidnapped by aliens whose UFO-based experiments turn him into a warp boy who truly believes that he can do anything.
(Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)
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